Freedom Financial Asset Management Tips for Young People

financialtreat – will explain about the Freedom Financial Asset Management Tips for Young People that you will get in the following article. Let’s look at this article carefully!

Achieving financial freedom at a young age is definitely a desire for everyone. Financial freedom here means that you no longer have to worry about financial problems, regardless of how much money you have. Yes! The concept of financial freedom does not mean that you have to be wealthy and have a lot of money that is stagnant or free from debt. For this reason, it is necessary if you want to achieve financial freedom. You should know about Freedom Financial Asset Management.

Reporting from various sources, you can achieve financial freedom if you already have passive income, which is income outside of work that can be used to finance daily life. However, what is often an important question is, “Is it possible for a person to achieve financial freedom before the age of 30?” The answer is, it could be! Here are the tips. On this occasion, let us discuss the management of financial assets. Here is the review.

Freedom Financial Asset Management Tips for Young People


1. Create a monthly budget.

What are your monthly spending habits? If the answer is yes, then you need to start honing your financial management skills. Therefore, financial management is one of the important foundations for obtaining financial freedom. To hone that skill, you can start by creating a monthly budget.

The trick is to plan out all of the necessary expenses for the month. This type of expenditure usually consists of food costs, transportation, credit, rent, insurance, and debt installments. You must determine this position from the beginning, and it must not be contested. Then, determine the budget for long-term needs postings on a monthly basis.

This post is usually used as savings for future planning, such as wedding expenses, houses, vehicles, and pension funds. The budget for that expenditure can be determined in accordance with the income you get every month and the goal you want to achieve.

Don’t forget, you continue to increase this monthly budget every month so you can find expenses and adjust for the next month. In this way, you can more easily control expenses. You can also predict when long-term needs can be met.

2. Prepare an emergency fund.

When you’re designing a monthly budget, make sure to include an emergency fund as one of your priorities. Therefore, an emergency fund will be useful when you face urgent circumstances, such as sudden illness, a lost cellphone, or job loss. There is no standard rule about how much money you should save for emergencies.

However, most professional financial planners recommend an emergency fund of at least six months’ worth of expenses for those of you who are single and twelve months for those of you who are married. To reach that amount, you can pay in monthly installments. The trick is to set aside a minimum of 5 to 10 percent of your monthly income as an emergency fund. Make sure that your emergency fund is in an easy-to-use form so that you can deal with urgent situations right away.

3. Be wise in managing debt.

is not impossible. Furthermore, it is possible at this time, as long as the nominal amount is in accordance with the ability to pay and is used for productive purposes. For example, when a laptop that is usually used for work is damaged, you can buy a new laptop using the installment method.

However, make sure the nominal debt or installments do not exceed 30 percent of your overall monthly income. Avoid going into debt to provide for consumptive things, such as vacations, buying new shoes, or hobby items. Meet those needs with the extra funds available after all the important posts are met.

4. Set aside some salary.

When you are still in your 20s and unmarried, you are very able to manage your salary according to your needs and desires. Of course, you can have fun enjoying the results of your work, but don’t forget to set aside the salary you get every month.

For example, you want to decide to save within 15 percent of your salary, so make sure you continue to do it every month. This money can later be used as business capital or an investment as a first step towards financial freedom.

5. Recognize needs and wants.

You need to know that to make ends meet, you will never spend the money you have, but obeying your desires will easily make you fall into poverty. Preventing the desire not to be consumptive feels very difficult.

However, if you want to gain financial freedom at a young age, you must try to prevent yourself from buying all the things you want. For this reason, it is important for you to be able to recognize, understand, and accept what is needed, not your desires.

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6. Do not focus on others.

The thing that can also make you farther away from financial freedom is being tempted by or influenced by someone else’s views. Seeing that friends your age always have the latest mobile phones, chances are you’ll be tempted to follow along.

Or when someone else asks about what you have, you feel compelled to “show yourself” by buying something unnecessary. When you are about to be tempted, remind yourself that your self-esteem and wealth are not judged by the things you have.

7. Be wise with expenses.

To avoid the “bigger pegs than poles” situation, make sure you make financial plans every month. Cut out any unimportant needs! Make sure you can tell which ones are intact and which are just wanted so that your expenses do not exceed your income. Try hard to always follow the financial plans that you have made before.

8. Establish a side business.

Don’t immediately think about making a big business with big capital. You can start by creating a small business that suits your hobby. Unless you like to dress up, you can create online shopping on Instagram or well-known marketplaces by selling makeup equipment that is currently popular. Or, if you like automotive work, you can try to connect a small workshop or sell spare parts. You can start this business alone or with your friends.

9. Prepare an Emergency Fund

In this day and age, having an emergency fund should be a priority in your financial planning. This emergency fund serves to overcome emergencies, such as job losses during a pandemic. Ideally, an emergency fund should be able to meet your needs in the next 3–6 months.

Make sure this emergency fund is not mixed with the money you usually use for daily life. If you don’t have one yet, start saving for an emergency fund now! The amount does not need to be large; the most important thing is that you set it aside continuously.

Read more: How to Get Clients as a Financial Advisor

10. Invest

Throw away the thought that young people don’t need to invest yet! The best time to invest is to start now. By investing now, you can have more time to learn, fail, and bounce back from a slump. If you’ve ever seen the Korean drama “Start Upnvest yet!The best time to invest is to start now. By investing now, you can have more time to learn, fail, and bounce back from a slump. If you have ever watched a Korean drama called “Start Up,” the enlightenment and courage to invest at a very young age made a character named Han Ji Pyeong manage to get financial freedom.

Those are some reviews of this article that discuss Freedom Financial Asset Management. The reviews above should be helpful and can be used as a guide for managing your assets. 


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