Company Asset Management Training, Benefits, and Importance for the Company

Financialtreat – will explain about Company Asset Management Training, Benefits, and Importance for the Company which you will get in the following article. let’s look at this article carefully!

Company Asset Management Training is a training designed to provide participants with an understanding of the principles, objectives/benefits, policies, and stages and techniques of implementing effective asset management within a company.

Asset Management Training stages need to be carried out effectively. Effective asset management has the aim of making a positive contribution to the efficient use of capital, resources, performance / productivity, quantity and quality of products produced by the company.

Company Asset Management Training, Benefits, and Importance for the Company

Effective asset management is expected to be able to assist in the strategic decision-making process of the company so that the assets owned by the company can be managed efficiently and effectively and then achieve optimum productivity throughout the asset life cycle.

1.Training Description

In this training, participants will be given a comprehensive understanding of the scope and definition of asset management, basic concepts and principles of asset management, objectives and benefits of asset management.

Resources/related parties in taking/compiling and handling company asset management, Asset Management Planning, Company Asset Management Concepts, Company Asset Management Budget, Asset Procurement System (Procurement), Asset Procurement Procedures (Procurement), Procedures, Stages and Warehousing Management Strategies Assets (Warehousing) effective, etc.

2. Training Materials

  • Scope and Definition of Asset Management
  • Basic concepts and principles of Asset Management
  • Asset Management goals and benefits
  • Resources/related parties in taking/compiling and handling company asset management

Asset Management Planning :

  • Corporate Asset Management Concept
  • Company Asset Management Budget
  • Asset Procurement System (Procurement)
  • Asset Procurement Procedure (Procurement)
  • Effective Warehousing Management Procedures, Stages and Strategies
  • Codification and Asset Information System in Asset Warehousing Management (Warehousing)
  • Asset Financial Management and Asset Valuation
  • Benefits / Contributions of effective Asset Management in the company
  • Asset Management Cycle
  • Asset Management Policy
  • Auction Method and Asset Disposal
  • Asset management utilization/use strategy
  • Socialization of the application of company asset management
  • Asset Management Implementation Techniques and Strategies
  • Case study

3. Training Objectives and Benefits

After attending this training, participants are expected to be able to:

  • Know and understand the definition, principles and objectives of asset management
  • Knowing and understanding the company’s asset life cycle comprehensively
  • Understand the stages of implementing effective asset management in the company
  • Improve problem solving skills related to company asset management issues

4. Technical Implementation of Company Asset Management Training

Training Place

The first thing we will say is that the implementation of the Asset Management Company Asset Management training uses the Public Training service. PT. Golden Regency Consulting Training is able to carry it out in all major cities in Indonesia and abroad.

Big cities that we have held such as in Medan City, Padang City, Batam City, Jakarta Capital City, Bogor City, Bandung City, Yogyakarta City, Solo City, Semarang City, Magelang City.

And other training locations such as Surabaya City, Malang City, Bali City, Lombok City, Balikpapan City, Makassar City, Manado City, and Jayapura City. Second, organizing training with Inhouse Training, PT. Golden Regency Consulting is ready to implement it throughout Indonesia.

The cost of accommodation for trainers and companions is the responsibility of the Client. Not only that, we are also willing to carry out training abroad such as Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Hong Kong.

In order to maintain comfort and focus on delivering material by trainers, of course we carry out training in five-star hotels (at least 3 stars) and in collaboration with various hotels such as Santika Indonesia Hotel & Resort, Aston Hotels & Resorts, PHM Hospitality.

5. Time of Implementation of Company Asset Management Training

The timing of the Asset Management training The Company’s Asset Management is held regularly for 2 training days. With 8 hours a day for the face-to-face method and 5/6 hours of training for the online method.

In addition to knowledge and encouragement to conduct training, here are the benefits and importance of asset management in the company.

Benefits of Asset Management in the Company

Here are some of the benefits contained in asset management in the company, namely:

1. Can Maintain Asset Value

The benefit of asset management is that it can keep the value of assets in a company high, because if there is damage to the asset it can cause a decrease in the selling value of the asset.

However, to maintain asset value, the company must provide adequate operational costs so that it can produce high output and in accordance with company goals.

2. Establishing the Right Asset Investment

By choosing the right assets to invest, it will encourage fund owners that maintaining asset wealth is by setting the right assets. The benefits of managing assets can also be a barrier to setting finances in the right direction.

3. Can Monitor Asset Depreciation

For every company, one of the risks that you need to be aware of with the use of fixed assets is the occurrence of depreciation. A depreciation can occur on the asset starting from the depreciation of the function to its value.

However, to make it easier for you to control and also monitor the preparation of these assets, asset management is very necessary. This asset report must later be included in the financial statements because it relates to the value of money owned by the company.

4. Improve Asset Security

Assets with a considerable amount in one company certainly cannot be controlled one by one. By implementing asset management, you can minimize the loss of company assets or damage, the application of asset management is needed by a company. Thus these assets will be stored properly, safely and protected.

5. Creating Risk Management

Risk management is a method for identifying, analyzing, assessing, controlling, avoiding, minimizing, and even eliminating threats (risks) in a company.

This risk management is very important and very necessary to grow the company’s awareness of the dangers and risks of the assets owned. In applying this risk management is also very helpful for the company to manage the uncertainty that may occur in the company.

Companies that have implemented asset management should also have to implement risk management as well to protect assets from various unexpected threats. The application of asset management alone is sometimes judged that the asset is definitely safe and does not consider possible threats that may occur in the future.

6. Can Avoid Over-Purchase

With asset management in the company, the company can control excessive asset purchases. So companies can be smarter in preparing an asset purchase budget by determining the highest priority and saving expenses.

7. Facilitate Budgeting

With asset management, every budget preparation in the form of costs, purchases of goods, and so on will be much more flexible. In preparing the budget, the company knows which assets still need maintenance or renewal, which ones cannot be renewed at all.

Why is Asset Management Important for Companies?

This is determined by various dimensions and points of view, the explanation is as follows:

  • Assets that are managed effectively and efficiently can achieve the company’s expected goals.
  • Asset management is not just managing and recording a list of inventory and assets owned.
  • Asset optimization must be carried out to prevent losses borne by the company.
  • The company’s assets must be reviewed annually to see if there are assets that can still be used or must be replaced.
  • Every company must know which assets can still be managed or have time to be replaced.

With good management, companies can reduce expenses and increase cash income. Asset management can be done by involving all parties at the management level so that decisions can be implemented properly in all parts of the company.

For example, you should consider assets and liabilities as a combination that creates both profit and risk for your business. You must really utilize business assets effectively and efficiently to bring profit to your business.

Also read: How To Set Monetary Desires And Acquire Them

And hopefully you don’t increase your business obligations more than the company’s ability to pay off those obligations in the future. Your decisions regarding when is the right time to buy or sell assets and take on liabilities should be considered. How? Are you interested?

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