Important Roles, Functions of Job Description Office Manager

financialtreat – will explain about Important Roles, Functions of Job Description Office Manager which you will get in the following article. let’s look at this article carefully!

Your business is big, it’s time for you to have a manager so you don’t get stuck, advises a big entrepreneur when talking to a small entrepreneur. Just call the manager, artist X’s endorsement can’t be contacted directly, said a friend who has used celebrity endorsement services. Therefore, the job description office manager is very necessary when carrying out his duties as an office manager.

Yes, manager. Arranger. That’s the simplified version. A significant role that is needed when your business is growing. When the business is still crawling under, many business activities can still be carried out alone or with a small team.

Important Roles, Functions and Duties Job Description Office Manager

But as your business grows, your production activities get bigger too. The number of employees is increasing, and matters are getting more complex. To better understand the job description of the office manager. Come on, see the explanation below.

Meaning of Manager

Manager according to the Big Indonesian Dictionary or KBBI is a person who organizes work or cooperation among various groups or a number of people to achieve targets. Managers can also be interpreted as people who are authorized and responsible for planning, organizing, leading, and controlling their implementation to achieve specific targets.

Managers are always synonymous with capable people who have abundant tasks. He led a number of staff to complete tasks according to the plan. Not infrequently the quality determines the results of a team’s work. The leadership qualities of managers in many cases also determine the work environment that is built.

Because he is responsible for many things, it’s no wonder this position is offered a lot of income. However, not everyone can become a manager. Not only working in accordance with jobdecs but also building the company to be even more advanced. It’s definitely not easy being a manager. In some companies, this position is also a senior position, which means this position is filled by people who are already qualified in their fields.

Manager’s Tasks

In general, the duties of a manager include:

1.     Controlling and Managing the Divisions He Leads

A manager has an obligation to ensure that the steps taken by his division have taken place according to the initial planning or are right towards the company’s goals.

If the managers of each division can carry out this, then the company will certainly run according to its vision and mission. This is what is meant by controlling and regulating the management process of a division so that the work done is effective and efficient.

2.     Build Trust Between Staff

As the leader of a group of people, the manager’s job must also be clear ways to keep strengthening his team, one of which is by maintaining close communication. Communication is the main key in an interaction, including interaction between work groups.

Here, a manager must be able to break down the walls of assumptions and barriers between his staff by building solid communication. Good communication will build trust between staff, especially within a team and strengthen the team so that it can take place and function properly.

3.     Developing Company Quality

Not only managing and controlling the division he leads, another manager’s job is to develop the quality of the company. If the company is profit-oriented, then it is the manager’s job to be able to achieve the predetermined profit.

To be able to develop the quality of this company, it is necessary to manage energy sources from a small scope first. This is why a manager has an important role in the development of the company’s quality.

4.     Evaluating Divisional Work

Everything that has been done according to the command of a manager cannot be judged as effective or not if there is no assessment. Perform this assessment also includes the main task of a manager. Because with this assessment a manager can determine whether what has been done has been adjusted to the company’s goals or not.

Therefore, a manager also needs to know the organizational planning again in order to be able to assess what is wrong and what is right. After finding the error, it is the job of a manager again to be able to get back on track.

5.     Become a Mediator and Company Problem Solver

There can’t be a company that doesn’t have problems in it. This is where problem solving is needed so that the company can return to normal. Being a mediator and being able to solve problems is also part of the manager’s job. They must be able to add ideas, ideas, and solutions to the issues their company is currently experiencing.

6.     Usability Adapted to the Duties of Managers in the Work Environment

The manager’s job is definitely not an easy task. Because a manager needs to have several special skills and abilities to work on at once. It takes years of work experience for someone to have the proper capacity to carry out the duties of a manager.

The manager himself is someone who works by coordinating various activities carried out by the workforce in a company. This activity is nothing but carried out so that the company can achieve its goals. It takes the ability of a qualified business analyst as well as soft skills to be able to lead his team to reach a better level.

In the practice of the world of work, there are many models of manager positions. For example, HR managers, finance, promotions and many others. His position is indeed in accordance with the division he is chairing and its various duties. As the person who takes care of management, the manager’s job is also to follow the benefits of management that generally exist in the company.

These Management Benefits Include:

1. Purpose of Planning

A manager takes part in planning steps in achieving company goals along with other company ranks. Managers also need to consider the sources of strength needed to achieve the planned goals.

The main activities of planning basically include determining the goals of the organization. Not only that, this also includes programs and activity schedules and budgeting. Mechanism development and policy determination are also part of planning activities.

2. Setting Benefits

In the benefits of regulation, managers must be able to organize and coordinate their staff to achieve company goals. Managers are also responsible for setting up the organizational structure in a company. Not only that, but also responsible in terms of giving authority and responsibility to each person appointed to be involved as the manager of the organization.

3. Use of Supervision

The manager will supervise his staff to determine whether his team’s performance is good or needs to be improved.

4. Leadership Benefits

Managers must be able to lead their team so that they can determine the steps that must be taken to achieve company goals. The ability to lead is the most important ability that must be possessed and mastered by a manager.

5. Assessment Benefits

The manager’s job at the ultimate management benefit is to evaluate the work that has been done based on the planning and quality standards that have been made in advance. Managers can evaluate in various ways, such as using swot analysis. The results of the assessment can be used for company growth.

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Manager’s Responsibilities in the Company

Not only the manager’s duties, there are also those that must be accounted for by the manager. Some of them that are common in every company are:

1. Total Management Process

Managers must ensure that the benefits of management that have been carried out have been going well. Management utility applications from planning to assessment have been carried out correctly. If something odd is found, it is the manager’s job to immediately solve the problem.

2. Achieving Company Goals

A manager must also be responsible for the performance of the staff, in order to be able to work closely with the staff he leads in order to achieve the company’s targets effectively. The achievement of this company’s goals is a big responsibility of a manager because it is through the manager that the planning and steps in achieving the goals are determined.

3. Making a Decision

The manager is also in charge of a division as well as the main decision maker based on experience, knowledge, and competence. Every manager has a different style of taking rules, some based on instinct because of years of experience, or based on data.

Managers are also decision makers about the fate of employees in their divisions, from recruitment to placement. They are also the ones who will determine who gets a promotion or punishment.

Those are some reviews that discuss the job description of office manager, hopefully this article will be useful if you are an office manager at a company and thank you.

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