Family Health Insurance For New Spouses

financialtreat – will explain about Family Health Insurance For New Spouses which you will get in the following article. let’s look at this article carefully!

Family insurance plans are an important part of healthy family financial planning. I decided to look for pure family health insurance whose premiums are cheap and the benefits are many. I accept 3 offers and I will review them one by one. Which is the best, which premium is cheap?

The Covid-19 pandemic that has befallen us all reminds us that health risks can stop by suddenly. Health insurance is one of the protections against these risks. So far, my family and I have relied on BPJS Kesehatan. Not only social obligations to help others, BPJS Kesehatan in my opinion is a health insurance package with the best protection.

Family Health Insurance For New Spouses

First, the premiums are extraordinarily cheap compare to the benefits receive. It can be said that BPJS Kesehatan participants can claim any disease, with any severity, as long as they follow the established mechanism.

Second, there is no pre-existing condition provision in BPJS Kesehatan, which is a scourge in health insurance. So, the pre-existing clause stipulates that if you have suffere an illness before becoming a participant in health insurance then the insurance company will not cover the disease. Suck, isn’t it?

Well, BPJS Kesehatan does not recognize pre-existing conditions. Having any illness, however, BPJS Kesehatan will bear the claims of participants. Third, with affordable insurance coverage contributions, BPJS is cashless. No need to pay when treating with BPJS Kesehatan. Fourth, outpatients whose premiums are expensive in health insurance, covere by BPJS Kesehatan. So, all citizens should join BPJS Kesehatan.

However, over time, we also need health insurance, not only BPJS Kesehatan. Continue to be surprised, after Covid-19, these needs become urgent and require services that can be fast and comfortable. Good Individual Health Insurance. Health insurance for the family is insurance that provides additional protection for health costs that arise if the insure and family members experience a treatment in the hospital.

By having family health insurance, you can manage risks when you need to spend money on treatment. I contacte a friend who is a financial planner and has a partner at an insurance company.

Getting marrie is a precious event in life. For those of you who have just gotten marrie, or are planning a wedding, there is one thing you need to consider with your partner, namely: choosing the right insurance. When starting to build a household, the possibility of family health insurance is not yet a top priority

Naturally, you will be encourage to buy a house in advance, have a private vehicle, or let alone prepare for the arrival of the baby. But, when it comes to having insurance for your family, you think “We’re all in good health.”

In fact, discussing insurance in the early days of marriage, will give you additional peace of mind about the future. Imagine if you or your partner got a critical illness until you could no longer work.

That is, the source of income of the family is reduce. In fact, if the condition occurs to the main breadwinner who does not have insurance. Can you imagine how much of an impact it will have on the family? Which one needs to come first, health insurance or critical illness? Let’s check it out together.

1. Health Insurance

Health insurance is the first insurance instrument you nee to have. It is likely that you and your partner already had insurance before while still alone. However, when the pledge of living together has been spoken, it means that you have to start thinking about family health insurance as a top priority.

One of the reasons young couples delay having insurance is because they are waiting to have children first. In fact, one of the elements of family health insurance is the benefits of childbirth. Of course, insurance can ease the burden of hospital bills when childbirth arrives.

According to the allodocter web, the cost of giving birth is normal in Indonesia ranging from Rp. 2 million to Rp. 15 million. The cost of a caesarean delivery ranges from Rp. 11 million to Rp. 50 million. The cost varies depending on the host hospital, treatment class, medicines, and medical procedures performe during the delivery process. This means that you and your partner are encourage to prepare an emergency fund of 20 percent-30 percent of the estimate cost of childbirth above.

At a very low cost, family health insurance can provide additional maintenance costs for childbirth costs. In the Miultimate Health Care insurance product from Manulife Indonesia, the Insure will get benefits of up to Rp 50 million for childbirth costs. As a result, the emergency fund you prepare can be allocate for other purposes.

2. Critical Illness Insurance

Basically, critical illness insurance is part of family health insurance. But what sets it apart is that critical illness insurance adds an additional benefit that is much more specific. This insurance covers dangerous diseases that require large costs, are fatal and lead to the risk of death.

Why is critical illness insurance important today? Understand it or not, the risk of critical illness or known as it can lurk in anyone, including the productive age group. For example, vascular or cardiovascular narrowing diseases such as the heart.

Base on basic health research data (Riskesdas), the prevalence of heart disease in the age group of 25-34 years, reache 1.4percent, while in the age group of 35-44 years reache 3.7Prosen per 1,000 people. Furthermore, still according to the same survey, at least 15 out of 1000 people or approximately 2,784,064 individuals in Indonesia suffer from this disease. Imagine, It’s just one disease. There are still other degenmasative diseases with a fairly high prevalence rate, such as stroke and diabetes.

What is worth realizing about the risk of critical illness is the health costs spent. Just so you understand, the cost of bypassation or installing a heart ring can cost up to Rp 300 million in a hospital. This disease tends to make the sufferer sick for a long time. It is not possible, the sufferer is no longer productive at work and in the end loses his job.

That’s where bookings from critical illness insurance come in. Broadly speaking, this type of insurance helps you and your partner avoid a financial downturn. He serves to provide additional surrogate costs from the loss of an income.

Well, another insurance that can be considere is Miultimate Critical Care from Manulife Indonesia. This insurance provides additional support to at least 50 critical illness models. The payment period for insurance coverage contributions is also very short, which is five years, but you can get benefits for up to 20 years in the future.

The illustration is like this. Budi, 42 years old, has been paying Miultimate Critical Care insurance coverage for 3 years. In his fourth year, he was diagnose by doctors with a recent stroke that limite his physical abilities. From the illustration above, what will Budi get? There are at least three scenarios.

First, Budi will receive benefits in the form of 100 percent of the sum insure + 100 Percent of all insurance coverage contributions that have been paid. Second, if the stroke makes Budi meningal the world, the family will benefit 160 percent of all paid insurance coverage contributions.

Tips Before Buying Family Insurance

Then, if you and your partner are already planning to have the family health insurance describe above, let’s look at these three tips before buying.

1. Understand Medical History

It’s common to talk about your and your partner’s medical history in the early days of marriage. This includes noting unhealthy norms, such as smoking, consuming junk food, infrequent exercise, and others.

This is important so that you can calculate the emergency costs neede in the future. Do periodic medical check-ups to understand the risk of disease that will arise. Because, most diseases come without having serious symptoms.

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2. Seek Maximum Help

It is necessary to seek family insurance with maximum help. Some insurances, such as Miultimate Healtcare, provide benefits to the Insure with an age limit of up to 110 years. This age is recognize as exceeding the average life expectancy of Indonesians which reaches 71.4 years.

3. Pay According to Financial Circumstances

Family insurance, including critical illness insurance, is not cheap. Therefore, if you and your partner plan to have this insurance, it is important to check the ability of the monthly budget to pay insurance coverage contributions.

By having these two insurances for you and your partner, at least you have given an additional sense of conduciveness in the family. It’s just a matter of how you realize the other plans that you and your partner want. Happy new life.

Thus the existence of this article discussing family insurance packages with this article hopefully useful for you and thank you.

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