Fundamental Analysis of Stocks

financialtreat – will explain about the Fundamental Analysis of Stocks that you will get in the following article. let’s look at this article carefully!

Fundamental analysis of stocks is the bedrock of long-term investing. Fundamental analysis is a critical component use by stock investors to determine if the current stock price reflects the actual current value of a company. This fundamental analysis for dummies guide will teach you how to take a stock fundamental view from your analysis and translate that into a trade.

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There are many different ways to think about how to trade stocks, but broadly speaking, there are two major schools of thought: fundamental vs technical analysis. Once you learn how the stock market works and how the valuation of a company is done you’ll understand why fundamental analysis is important.

Fundamental Analysis of Stocks

The basic goal of stock fundamental analysis is to find the stock’s intrinsic value. This will help you determine whether or not a stock is undervalue or overvalue. Now, you see why stock picking using fundamental analysis can be of tremendous help.

The US stock market size is now $30 trillion and most Americans are participants in the stock market. However, most of these investors are not actively trading the stock market. They’re investe in the long-term growth perspective of a company.

The purpose of this fundamental analysis guide is to educate investors on the importance of fundamental analysis.

Let’s start with the basics, and define what is fundamental analysis?

In the financial world, fundamental analysis is the concept of investigating the financial statements of a company to help determine if its stock is a good investment opportunity. For stocks, financial statements include revenues, future growth, balance sheets, income statements, profit margins, cash flow statements, and other relevant data.

These financial factors can help investors assess the intrinsic value of the stock. There are many types of fundamental analysis that use these financial factors to help evaluate a company.

Basically, the process of fundamental analysis involves studying qualitative and quantitative financial matters in order to discover the stock’s fair value. That’s why we can distinguish two types of fundamental analysis:


  • Quantitative analysis.
  • Qualitative analysis.


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Let’s see how you do fundamental analysis.

A classic fundamental analysis example is when a stock investor examines the balance sheet of a company. The components of a company balance sheet will give you a snapshot of the following three items:


  • Assets, which are the things the company owns (cash, equipment and property).
  • Liabilities, which are the debts the company needs to pay.
  • Owners’ equity or the capital, that represents the money raise through an Initial Public Offering IPO or in a secondary offering.


The above-mentione process of fundamental analysis is a form of quantitative analysis, which uses measurable elements of a company. The qualitative analysis uses less tangible elements surrounding a company like brand name recognition or board members.

Fundamental analysis should answer all the question surrounding the health of a company:

  • Is the company making a profit?
  • Are the company’s sales growing?
  • How is the future outlook of the company?
  • How are economic changes going to impact the growth scenario for the company?

The bottom line is that stock fundamental analysis incorporates everything relate to the economic health of a company. You may also be intereste in this Futures Trading Strategies for Dummies guide.

There are many financial books written by some of the most successful investors of all times that can help you advance your understanding of how to analyze stocks using fundamental analysis.

So, what are the best fundamental analysis books?

The “An Intelligent Investor” and “Security Analysis” books written by Benjamin Graham are considere on Wall Street to be the bible of fundamental analysis of stocks and value investing. Warren Buffett thinks everyone should read An Intelligent Investor, which is his top stock book recommendation. Buffett is the most successful investor of all times so he must know something.

Let’s examine the advantages of stock fundamental analysis.

Stock market fundamental analysis is an essential component of the long-term stock trading strategies use by the smart money on Wall Street. Long-term growth investors have profite big time taking positions in stocks base on fundamental analysis.

It’s well known that hedge funds tend to attract the smartest people in the world. We’ve reveale some of the fundamental analysis tools use by long-term stock investors here: Hedge Fund Strategies and Tools Use on Wall Street.

Behind any strong stock bullish trend, there is usually a big fundamental force that drives and fuels that stock market trend. Knowing what those stock fundamental drivers are will help you better ride the long-term trend. The fundamental drivers are not just some ephemeral forces, but they are long-lasting drivers that can confirm if a stock is a safe investment or not.

So, if you want to hold your stock for the long term, then it’s essential to understand the importance of fundamental analysis. When it comes to stock trading there are two major schools of thought use by stock traders to gain a competitive edge in the market.

So, we’re going to outline which one is better for finding trading opportunities in the stock market, fundamental analysis or technical analysis?

To better understand the difference between technical analysis and fundamental analysis, check out a practical example of How to Apply Technical Analysis, Step by Step.

The debate around the fundamental vs technical analysis subject has drawn many traders. Too much writing ink has been consume either in Stock favor of fundamental analysis, technical analysis or some kind of combination between the two.

Moving forward, we’re going to have a look at the key differences between the two concepts use to analyze stocks. The process of fundamental analysis is more suitable for long-term. Investing while technical analysis is more suitable for short-term trading strategies.

This basically answers the question of when to use fundamental analysis?

Instead of analyzing financial statements, technical analysis is more concerne with analyzing the stock price chart. From the perspective of an equity investor. The goal of fundamental analysis is to pick stocks with the right valuation and that have the potential for growth.

On the other hand, technical stock traders are only concerne with finding a profitable stock trade signal. They accomplish this by using various technical indicators, chart patterns, tape reading or a combination of them.

In essence, both fundamental analysis and technical analysis. Try to tackle if a company’s stock is cheap or whether it’s expensive.

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They try to find an answer to this question from different directions.

In the end, it all comes down to your personal preferences and your type of personality. Legendary Wall Street trader Martin Schwartz, who won the US Investing. Championship in 1984 and the author of “Pit Bull: Lessons from Wall Street’s Champion Day Trader,” said:

“I always laugh at people who say “I’ve never met a rich technician” I love that! Its such an arrogant, nonsensical response. I used fundamentals for 9 years and got rich as a technician”

Moving forward, we’re going to reveal how to choose stocks using fundamental analysis. The best parameters for stock selection

You need to learn the 5 most important parameters for stock selection before making any stock investment. These are key financial ratios you must look at before making a stock trade.

So These five stocks criteria will reveal how valuable the stock is and if it has growth potential. Moreover This is not a foolproof method or the Holy Grail of stock investment. But, when you look at the stock financial ratios you can assess the health of the company. Thus the article on Fundamental Analysis of Stocks. Hopefully it will be useful for you and that’s all thanks.

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