financialtreat – will explain the Definition, Benefits, and Types of Management Analyst Jobs which you will get in the following article. let’s look at this article carefully!
In human resource management, exclusive actions need to be taken so that the tasks, responsibilities and uses of the work can be formulated in detail. To do this, human resource managers must perform actions called management analyst jobs.
Of course, by using management analyst jobs, HR managers must be able to create better and more effective job descriptions. Job analysis is one of the important tasks of human resource managers.
Definition, Benefits, and Types of Management Analyst Jobs
Definition of Job Analysis
Job analysis consists of two words, analysis and job. Analysis is a thinking activity used to describe a topic as a part, component or element, and may link to its function. Work is a set of tasks and responsibilities that will be carried out by workers in an exclusive period of time, are being done and have been done.
Job analysis is part of the human resource planning and research process and also gathers information related to the operations and responsibilities of a job. It is emphasized here that there are two main activities in job analysis, namely gathering information about operations and job responsibilities. News and do more in-depth research.
So it can be concluded, Job analysis is a systematic process of collecting written information about what work model should be done in the company to achieve organizational goals. Job analysis aims to analyze work styles, worker qualifications, workload calculations, worker placement, and determine job quality standards.
Benefits of Job Analysis
- Job analysis has benefits within an organization, including:
- Establish the basis of a reasonable salary structure.
- Study of environmental challenges affecting personal work.
- Planning for future human resource needs.
- Determine the training needs of new and existing employees.
- Organize the work of employees according to their skills.
- Develop work performance standards.
- Element analysis to shape the organization’s position.
- Redesign work to improve staffing methods, reduce errors, eliminate unnecessary cases, and improve performance.
Job Analysis Stages
In job analysis, there are two main steps that must be carried out, namely:
Determine the main tasks, activities, conduits or obligations to be carried out in the work.
Determine the knowledge (Information), ability (Ability), skill (Skill) and several other characteristics (personal factors, attitudes, dexterity or physical and mental characteristics needed for the job) needed for the job.
Here’s a description of the stages:
The first method of preparation for job analysis, in the preparation and job analysis method, identification of jobs is carried out and preparation of a list of cases that will be discussed.
The second way of collecting data, data collection can be carried out through interviews, observations, questionnaires and a combination of the three. The third and final method of data, In this method, sort the existing / unused data, filter the relevant / irrelevant data, then analyze the information collected with the subject staff.
Importance of Job Analysis
The details gathered by conducting a job analysis play an important role in controlling exclusive job outcomes. Determining the success of a job depends on a fair, thorough and thorough job analysis. It also helps to recruit the right people for exclusive jobs.
The main purpose of completing all processes is to establish and establish a perfect fit between work and employees. Position analysis can also help human resource managers determine salary and benefit packages as well as other bonuses for exclusive positions.
This helps to effectively evaluate the training needs and performance of existing employees. This process forms the basis for designing and establishing tactics and policies to meet organizational goals. However, exclusive job analysis cannot guarantee that a manager or organization will achieve the desired results.
In fact, collecting and recording info for exclusive jobs involves a lot of complications. If the job news is incorrect and checked from time to time, the employee will not be able to work normally.
If the manager and the organization do not know what to do or what is expected of him, the time and resources spent on exclusive job analysis are likely to be wasted human resources. Therefore, be very careful when doing job analysis. Conduct all or unbiased investigations or research on managers and employees.
Managers understand who to hire and why. They can find a suitable candidate. At the same time, existing or prospective employees are aware of what they need to do, how to do it, and what the desired result is. Job analysis can determine the exact match between job titles and employees.
Types of job analysis
1. Understanding Job Analysis
Job analysis consists of two words, analysis and work. Analysis is a thinking activity to describe the subject matter into parts, components, or elements, and also perhaps the relationship between its functions.
While the work is a set/group of tasks and responsibilities that are being and have been carried out by the workforce in an exclusive period of time. Thus, job analysis can be interpreted as an activity to study, study, collect, record, and analyze the scope of a job systematically and systemically.
Job analysis is part of human resource planning. Job analysis is the process of studying and gathering information related to the operations and responsibilities of an exclusive job. Flippo emphasizes that there are two main activities in job analysis, namely gathering information about the operations and responsibilities of a job and studying it more deeply.
Job analysis is a mechanism through which to determine the responsibilities of the positions to be staffed, and the characteristics of the people who work for those positions. Job analysis provides additional information used to create a job description (List of the job), and job specifications (Types of people to hire for the job). Therefore, according to Dessler, supervisors or specialists in human resources usually collect the following information through job analysis:
- work activities
- human condition
- machines, devices, equipment and job support
- performance standard
- work context
- human requirements.
2. Purpose of Job Analysis
An important job analysis is carried out before the recruitment of workers is carried out. There are several benefits to conducting a job analysis, which is also the purpose of a job analysis. The objectives of job analysis are,
- get workers in the right position
- add satisfaction to the workforce
- create a safe working climate and conditions
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3. Job Analysis Method (management analyst)
The next question is what are the methods use in job analysis? According to this author, the methods commonly use in job analysis are the questionnaire method, the interview method, the routine recording method, and the observation method.
Questionnaire method is use as a means of collecting data in writing distribute to operational workers or heads of departments, to fill in the expecte information and facts. In general, the questionnaire contains
- questions about the work being carrie out
- given responsibility
- the require skills, expertise or training
- the state of being expecte to complete a job
- the figure or type require for the job.
The interview method is conducte with the operational workforce or with their department heads, or with both. In addition, supervisors are often taske with obtaining job analysis data. The advantage of this method is the presentation of information and facts from the first party. But this method is very time consuming.
The final method that can be use in data analysis is the routine recording method. In this method, the workforce is ordere to record what is done every day on a regular basis, the allocation neede, when it starts and when each task is done. The allocation of a long time, and careful and routine work is the weakness of this method.
The observation method is generally carrie out by job analysts who previously receive special training and upgrading. The observation method is usually not carrie out in line with the job analyst interview method, conducting observations on each job and conducting interviews with operational personnel and their department heads.
Well, those are some reviews that discuss management analyst jobs. Hopefully the explanation above will be an additional reference and thank you.
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