What is the Digital Asset Manager Salary in a Company?

financialtreat – will explain What is the Digital Asset Manager Salary in a Company? which you will get in the following article. let’s look at this article carefully!

The salary of HR managers, of course, differs from one company to another. At that time, middle-class companies competed with large ones. Of course, the nominal salaries given to their managers were different. Therefore, in this article, we will discuss how much the Digital Asset Manager Salary is in a company.

However, there is nothing wrong if you know about the nominal salary that will be received by an HR manager each month. Not a few people think that the HR department is not very profitable in a company. For that, we need to know the salary of digital asset managers in a company. Here we will describe it!

Digital Marketing at a Glance

Digital marketing is a way to market a product through a digital system. Many consider marketing through digital marketing to be cheaper than conventional methods. because it can reach consumers from many areas and circles.

People who work in this field are often called digital marketers. This job is tasked with building brand awareness among consumers, which can then increase sales. If you want to work in this field, you need to be able to precisely analyze target ads and use data to increase sales.

Digital Marketing Salary Based on Work Experience

Many people say that the nominal digital marketing salary is quite large. But there are several factors that affect the salary of each digital marketer differently, namely experience and ability. In general, this field’s salaries can be figured out using the UMP (Provincial Minimum Wage) for each place, which is:

  • Salary for beginners (fresh graduates) without experience can get a salary with a calculation of 1–1.5 x UMP salary.
  • A salary for applicants with 2-3 years of experience can be calculated with a calculation of 2–2.5 x UMP salary.
  • The salary for applicants with more than 5 years of experience or in supervisory positions is 3.5 times the UMP salary.
  • A digital marketing manager can get a salary with a calculation of 5 x UMP salary.
  • The calculation may differ according to the policy of each company. because the size of a company can also affect employee salary policies.

Several companies pay digital marketing salaries.

So you get an idea of how much digital marketing pays. Let’s take a look at some digital marketing salaries from several companies in Indonesia.

  • Tokopedia digital marketing earns a salary of around Rp. 10,000,000.
  • Shopee digital marketing earns a salary of around Rp. 10,000,000.
  • Nestle digital marketing earns a salary of around Rp. 14,000,000.
  • Digital marketing Accenture earns a salary of around Rp. 12,000,000.
  • L’Oreal digital marketing earns a salary of around Rp. 15,000,000.
  • Gojek’s digital marketing is around Rp. 19,500,000.
  • Lazada digital marketing earns a salary of around Rp. 4,000,000.
  • Digital marketing Gramedia earns a salary of around Rp. 5,000,000.
  • Digital marketing Grab earns around Rp. 6.350.000.
  • Digital marketer Bukalapak earns a salary of around Rp. 6,500,000.

The digital marketing salary information can be a reference for you when asked by HRD during an interview. Because usually, before signing a contract, there is a salary negotiation process first. Therefore, the HR line is usually built after a company has become more advanced and developed. For companies that have just been established or are still small, the HR function is usually held directly by the director or company owner.

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In contrast to large companies that really need the performance and function of the HR line, They build it to get qualified human resources and can work optimally for the progress of the company.

HR Manager Salary Assistance Criteria

When the company provides salaries to its employees, of course it must be in accordance with the criteria set and become the stipulations of the company concerned. Salaries must be given in accordance with their eligibility, dedication, function, and loyalty in a company, from the lowest level of employees, such as cleaning services, to the highest level, such as managers.

Some of the criteria in question, among others, are as follows:

First, the function of the position. Every employee in a company certainly has a different position and function. Therefore, the salary they receive is also different. It is possible for an employee with a staff function to have the same salary as a manager. Of course, there is a disparity that can be seen between the function of the position and its performance.

Second, loyalty. A person who has worked in a company for a dozen or even decades, of course, has a higher salary than an employee who has just entered to be recruited, even though the two positions are the same. However, looking for an employee with such high loyalty at this time is a difficult possibility. Even employees who are qualified at the same time have high loyalty.

Likewise, an HR manager must have high loyalty to be able to get a position like that in a company. The salary he receives is also not small because of his position, which is indeed that of a manager in a company. Third, the performance. There are not a few companies that promote and appoint an employee to serve as a manager because of his extraordinary achievements. Because of this practice, the company became bigger and grew.

The company’s profits also increased. At the company, employees who are appointed as managers will receive a fairly high salary, which is above the city/district minimum wage (UMK). Also, many things that will help the new manager are set up, such as vehicles, tools for communication, and so on.

HR Manager Salary is Expensive

The average salary of HR managers in multinational companies is around IDR 35–45 million per month. The reason is that the company has an international standard and is considered worldwide. The position of being a manager is likely to be obtained after a long time, which can be dozens or decades. Thus, his loyalty cannot be doubted.

At that time, the salary of HR managers in large national companies, such as banks or bona fide national companies, was around Rp. 25–35 million per month. HR Managers in smaller local companies (medium) earn between IDR 10 million and IDR 15 million per month.

But in a number of smaller companies, the HR manager’s salary is only around IDR 8–12 million per month. With a few pictures as mentioned above, you will be more aware of the payroll system and the amount of salary an HR manager receives every month. In the end, the size of the salary is determined by how well the company is doing financially.

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If it is a large company with a large turnover, it is possible that the salary for a manager could be in the tens to tens of millions of rupiah. But if the company only has a small turnover, of course, the salary received by the manager is only slightly more than the minimum wage set by the government. You can now compare it with the salary or wages you receive each month.

That’s a little information regarding the Digital Asset Manager Salary with the above review. Hopefully it will be useful and you can find out how much a manager’s salary in a company is.

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